Hotel MSSNGR's Backoffice: our CMS
The Hotel MSSNGR content management system (CMS) is the core of the Hotel MSSNGR guest communication suite. Here, all the hotel’s guest communication is entered. But – most likely different to today – this will happen only once, but still will feed all the hotel’s guest channels – automatically, preformatted and real-time. This powerful engine saves hoteliers 70%-90% of their daily guest communication effort.
Detailed Analytics put light on the hotel guest’s on-site behavior. Spotlight on the guest’s preferences, the information requirements and their buying pattern. Hotel MSSNGR enables hoteliers to structurally understand what’s going on in the hotel.

Multiple User Roles
Engage your team in guest communication. Everyone who should contribute can get access to the Hotel MSSNGR CMS. Different user roles secure, that only high quality and reviewed content is published to the guests.

Recurring Events
Convenient scheduling features keep the administrative effort to enter data into the Hotel MSSNGR low. Use complex recurring schedules and exception rules to structure your guest activities efficiently.

Unlimited languages supported
Hotel MSSNGR supports a unlimited number of languages to communicate with your guests. To enhance the guest experience further, content on the guest’s personal devices is automatically displayed in the guest’s language.

Browser based - edit guest communication content anytime anywhere
The Hotel MSSNGR CMS is a browser-based tool. No need to install any software. Anyone with a login can access the CMS through any PC or tablet with an internet connection.

Online Template and Image Library
Quality of content is key. The Hotel MSSNGR CMS supports you with a templating system. Communication templates, enable your staff to add the key details but keep the wording guidelines fixed. The online image library works in a similar way: All images are stored online and can be accessed by the CMS users. This ensures only highquality images in line with the corporate identity principles are used.

Organize your content by tags and interests
Different guests have different interests. To address only the guests, which are interested, all Hotel MSSNGR can be tagged to areas of interest. This ensures maximum engagement for interested guests and privacy for all others. Additionally all content can be tagged to allow grouping and structured organization.