Digital Signage

Hotel MSSNGR feeds all public digital signage screens in the hotel. The Hotel MSSNGR engine displays all relevant information to the guests. To ensure maximum significance the content can easily be customized to different locations of the screens. For maximum guest inclusion chose interactive the touch version.

Active and passive

Hotel MSSNGR feeds touch enabled digital signage screens. These screens in the public areas of the hotel, e.g. the Lobby, enable guests to easily access all guest communication. The feed displays also a dynamic screen saver mode to attract guests walking by. A handover feature encourages guests to download the hotel’s app to access all guest communication on their personal device.

Landscape and portrait orientation

Hotels are built to provide the perfect guest experience. And the hotel’s layout should not be based on technical restrictions. This is why Hotel MSSNGR’s digital signage guest channels is as flexible as it needs to be. All our digital signage feeds com in landscape or portrait versions. By simply turning the screen orientation, Hotel MSSNGR’s feed changes its layout in real-time.

Running on standard hardware

Digital signage screens are a big investment. That’s why Hotel MSSNGR’s digital signage feed runs on all standard hardware systems, even on older models. We at Hotel MSSNGR believe hoteliers prefer being more concerned about the guest experience than on technical requirements of the hotel’s hardware systems.

Fully configurable content

Screens in the spa may need to display different content than the monitors in the lobby. Hotel MSSNGR can handle as many different feeds as required. Also displaying the content in multiple languages or in different languages, Hotel MSSNGR handles all requirements.


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